A |
ADDMESH (add one mesh to another) |
ASSIGN (set global variables) |
B |
BOUNDARY (set attributes on surfaces) |
BUBBLE (extrude to 3d and extract bndry) |
C |
CALC_RDIST (calculate radial distance) |
CMO (modify mesh object) |
COLORMAP (build adjacency map) |
COMPUTE (compute a new mesh attribute) |
CONNECT (2D and 3D Delaunay algorithm) |
COORDSYS (change coordinate system) |
COPYPTS(copy points) |
CREATEPTS (create points) |
adjacency graph) |
D |
DEFINE (give a name to a number) |
DEREFINE (merge nodes away) |
DOPING (depreciated, see interpolate) |
DUMP (write output files) |
DUMP_RECOLOR (use adjacency map) |
E |
EDIT (prints some mesh info) |
ELMTEST (validate connectivity) |
ELTSET (select, name a set of elements) |
EXTRACT (extract a surface) |
EXTRUDE (extrude a surface) |
F |
FIELD (manipulate a field attribute) |
FILTER (detect and remove duplicate nodes) |
FINISH (end processing, EXIT) |
FSET (define a face set) |
G |
GENIEE (make/update element connectivity) |
GEOMETRY (set the geometry name) |
GRID2GRID (element type covnversion) |
H |
HELP (print global variable) |
HEXTOTET (convert element types) |
I |
INFILE (read input from a file) |
INPUT (read input from a file) |
INTERSECT (..2 2d meshes to get line) |
INTERSECT_ELEMENTS ( .. of 2 meshes) |
INTERPOLATE (.. attribute values) |
K |
KDTREE (represent mesh as kd-tree) |
L |
LOG (turn log file off and on) |
LOOP (execute command multiple times) |
LOWER_D (create lower dimen. structs.) |
M |
MASSAGE (optimize the grid) |
MASSAGE2 (optimize the grid) |
MATH (do math on attributes) |
MEMORY (query state of memory ) |
MERGE (remove nodes) |
METIS (graph partition algorithms) |
MODE (set modes) |
MREGION (define a material region) |
N |
NEGATIVE_AIJ (test bndry for neg. coef.) |
O |
OFFSETSURF (..triangulated surface) |
P |
PERTURB (perturb node locations) |
PSET (define, name sets of nodes) |
PSTATUS (operate on point set) |
Q |
QUADXY (define a logical xy node set) |
QUADXYZ (define a logical xyz node set) |
QUALITY (evaluate mesh quality) |
R |
RADAPT (adaptive smoothing) |
RANKVOLUME (list small volume elements) |
READ (read data) |
RECON (swap edges/faces) |
REFINE (refine elements, edges) |
REFINE2D (refine a triangle) |
REGION (define a geometric region) |
REGNPTS (distributes nodes in region) |
REORDER (reorder nodes in a mesh) |
RESETPTS (reset node values) |
RM (remove nodes in area) |
RMMAT (remove a material) |
RMPOINT (remove nodes/elements) |
RMREGION (remove a geometric region) |
RMSPHERE (remove nodes in a sphere) |
RMSURF (remove nodes in /on a surface) |
ROTATELN (rotate nodes about a line) |
ROTATEPT(rotate nodes about a point) |
RZ (depreciated, see createpts) |
RZAMR (depreciated, see createpts) |
RZBRICK (depreciated, see createpts) |
RZRAN (depreciated, see createpts) |
RZS (depreciated, see createpts) |
RZV (depreciated, see createpts) |
S |
SCALE (scale node coordinates) |
SETPTS (set node type, itp, and material, imt) |
SETSIZE (calc size of space, set epsilon) |
SETTETS (make child nodes, etc) |
SMOOTH (node smoothing) |
SORT (sort an attribute) |
STACK (read,merge,stack,surfaces) |
SURFACE (define a geometric surface) |
SURFPTS (make nodes on a surface) |
T |
TRANS (translate node coordinates) |
TRIANGULATE ( ..a polygon) |
U |
UNG2AVS (UNGenerate to AVS) |
UPSCALE (attribute from fine to coarse grid) |
Z |
ZQ (depreciated, see cmo/setatt) |