Reset node values.
resetpts remove child points
resetpts/parent remove child points
resetpts/itp set node type (itp) from connectivity of mesh
resetpts/cell_color/ set all node colors (imt) from element colors(itetclr)
resetpts/cell_color/istart,iend,istride set all node colors (imt) from element colors(itetclr)
resetpts/cell_color/ integer_node_color reset node imt for nodes with imt currently = integer_node_color from the itetclr of an element that contains the node
resetpts/parent remove child points
resetpts/itp set node type from connectivity of mesh
resetpts/cell_color/1 replace node color for nodes that currently have imt value of 1 by the cell color of an element containing the node; this is done by looping through all the elements in cell color order, so that the value of imt will be the largest itetclr of the set of elements containing this node.
resetpts/cell_color/ loop through all element colors and reset all node imt values
resetpts/cell_color/-1 replace node color for nodes that currently have imt value of 1 by the cell color of an element containing the node; this is done by looping through all the elements in desending cell color order, so that the value of imt will be the smallest itetclr of the set of elements containing this node.
resetpts/cell_color/1,0,0 loop through all element colors and reset all node imt values (same as previous example)
resetpts/cell_color/1,3,1 loop through colors from itetclr=1 to itetclr=3
resetpts/cell_color/3,1,-1  loop through colors from itetclr=3 to itetclr=1