Generates points in a region previously defined by the region
command. The points are generated by shooting rays through a user specified
set of points from an origin point, line, or plane and finding the intersection
of each ray with the surfaces that define the region. The point distribution
is determined by the data in ptdist.
If ptdist is integer,
then that many points are evenly distributed along the ray in the region.
If ptdist is real,
then points are distributed at that distance along the ray, up to a maximum
of maxpenetr points
along the ray (in addition to any interface points that may be created).
note: If the ray encounters a region more than once, multiple sets of points
are layed down. Points are distributed on the regionís material
interfaces and external boundaries if the region definition includes the
interfaces or boundaries -- usually ge or le means that the
region includes the interface or boundary.
Only surface intersection points are created if
is inside,
in, out, outside, orboth.
this case, surface points are created regardless of region ownership of
the interface or boundary surface -- if a ray encounters a region more
than once, the appropriate surface intersection point(s) is generated for
each encounter.
If another region intrudes upon the regnpts region so that the regpts
region is divided into more than one piece, points that fall inside the
intruding region are not distributed.
The variables irratio
and rrz determine
ratio zoning when ptdist
is an integer. Ratio zoning is on when irratio
is 1; the point distribution is adjusted so that the ratio between successive
pairs of points is rrz.
When irratio is 3,
ratio zoning is calculated on the longest ray; then this length distribution
is applied to all rays.
See the description of the command surface for
a discussion of point distributions with respect to sheet surfaces.
ray origin/irratio,rrz,maxpenetr
regnpts/region name/ptdist/pset,get,setname/geom/ray
origin /irratio,rrz/maxpenetr
Where ifirst,ilast,istride
or pset,get,setname
define the set of points to shoot rays through.
regnpts/region name/ptdist/ifirst,ilast,istride/xyz
Where points 1, 2, 3 define the plane to shoot rays
from that are normal to the plane.
regnpts/region name/ptdist/ifirst,ilast,istride/
Where points 1, 2, define the line from which to
shoot perpendicular rays
regnpts/region name/ptdist/ifirst,ilast,istride/
Where xcen,ycen,zcen
a point from which to shoot rays .
regnpts/region name/ptdist/ifirst,ilast,istride/points/iffirst,iflast,ifstride/irratio,rrz/
Where the 2 point sets have the same length and
rays are constructed between pairs of elements, one from each point set.
here for demos