Define an arbitrary, logical hexahedron of points in 3D(xyz) space. nx specifies the number of points between the 1st and 2nd point.  ny specifies the number of points between the 1st and 4th point and nz specifies the number of points between the 1st and 5th point.  The eight corners of the hex are then listed as two sets of quads, each set of four nodes is given in counter clockwise order . Points 1 to 4 specify one face of the hex, points 5 to 8 the corresponding face opposite (point 5 is logically behind point 1, point 6 behind point 2 and so on.)
FORMAT: quadxyz/nx,ny,nz/x1 EXAMPLES: quadxyz/5 25 7/ 0. 0. 0. /1. 0. 0. /1. .0 10. /0. .0 10. /0. 2.0 0. /1. 2. 0. &
         /1.0 2. 10.0 /0. 2. 10.0 /
quadxyz/5 25 7/ 0. 0. 0. /1. 0. 0. /1. 2. 0. /0. 2. 0. /& 0. 0. 10. /1. 0. 10. /1. 2. 10. /0. 2. 10. /