PSETGive a name to a selected set of points.
seq forms a pset of the nodes in ifirst, ilast, istride;
the special sets: 1,0,0 refers to all nodes and 0,0,0 refers to the last set of nodes created.
union, inter and not are logical operations on previously defined psets. The definition of the unary operator not is extended such that not/p1/p2 means p1 and (not(p2)).
list lists nodes in a pset or names of all psets
delete deletes a previously defined pset
attribute forms a pset from all points in ifirst,ilast,istride which have the specified value for a node based attribute. This option was previously named zq.
If the optional comparator field is given; that operation is used to compare the attribute value to the requested value.
geom/xyz/ forms a pset from all points inside the box whose corners are xl,yl,zl and xu,yu,zu relative to the geometry center at xc,yc,zc.
geom/rtz/ forms a pset of nodes within the cylinder or cylindrical shell given by radius r1 to r2, angle t1 to t2 and height z1 to z2.
geom/rtp/ forms a pset of nodes within the sphere, sperical shell or sperical section given by r1 to r2, and angles t1 to t2 and p1 to p2. See chapter II, A. Conventions for an explanation of angles theta and phi.
surface identifies nodes on the specified surface. Keyword surface names have the following meaning:-all- will identify nodes on any surface.
-interface- will identify nodes on any interface surface.
-boundary- will idendify nodes on exterior surfaces.