Los Alamos Grid Toolbox
LaGriT (Los Alamos Grid Toolbox) is a library of user callable tools that provide mesh generation, mesh optimization and dynamic mesh maintenance in two and three dimensions.
LaGriT is used for a variety of geology and geophysics modeling applications including porous flow and transport model construction, finite element modeling of stress/strain in crustal fault systems, seismology, discrete fracture networks, asteroids and hydrothermal systems.
The general capabilities of LaGriT can also be used outside of earth science applications and applied to nearly any system that requires a grid/mesh and initial and boundary conditions, setting of material properties and other model setup functions. It can also be use as a tool to pre- and post-process and analyze vertex and mesh based data.
- Representation of 2- and 3-dimensional complex geometries
- Unstructured triangle/tetrahedral and structured or unstructured quadrilateral/hexahedral meshing
- Model set-up including assigning material properties, boundary conditions, and initial conditions
- Adaptive mesh refinement, smoothing, and optimization
- 2D and 3D Delaunay triangulation conforming to complex geometry
- Output for solver packages including specialized format for FEHM, Amanzi/ATS, PFLOTRAN, and TOUGH2
- Interactive command line, batch input file, or embedded in Fortran/C interfaces (no GUI)
LaGriT Distribution and Documentation
Auxiliary LaGriT Programs
AVS (Advanced Visual Systems)
GMV (General Mesh Viewer)
LaGriT Applications
Gallery of selected meshing project images.
SFWD-GDSA Geologic Applications Project and workflow web pages
Examples for GDSA Geologic Applications GitHub repo.
VoroCrust collaboration with Sandia GitHub repo.