In the first form of this command, trans translates a selected set of points (ifirst,ilast,istride) in X,Y,Z space by picking one specific point (xold,yold,zold) in the set of points and moving it to new coordinates (xnew,ynew,znew) with a linear translation. This will then cause the remaining points in the set to be moved by the same translation.

In the second form, if center is selected, the points set is translated so that (0,0,0) is located at the midpoint of min x,y,z and max x,y,z of the mesh. If zero is selected, the points set is translated so that (0,0,0) is located at the min x,y,z of the mesh. If original is selected, the points set is translated to the original location before center or zero was called. Currently all translations are xyz (rtp and rtz are reserved for future implementation). The values in the next optional field indicate the axes along which to translate. For example, 1,1,0 or x,y will translate along the x and y axes, the z values will not change.

FORMAT: trans/ifirst,ilast,istride/xold,yold,zold/xnew,ynew,znew
EXAMPLE: trans/pset,get,mypoints/0.,0.,0./2.0,2.0,0./
The points in the pset mypoints will be moved 2 in the positive x direction and 2 in the positive y direction.
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