int MR_Number(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r);

Number ID for mesh region

PGeomEntity MR_GMEntity(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r);

Geometric entity (can only be a region) mesh region is classified on

ElType MR_Type(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r);

Type of element that mesh region is (TET, HEX etc)

int MR_NumVerts(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r);

Number of vertices in the element

void MR_Vertices(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, int *nv, PMeshVert **verts);

List of vertices of a mesh region

void MR_VerticesE(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, PMeshEdge e, PMeshVert *rverts);


Return the vertices of the given tet w.r.t to the given edge. The
vertices v1 and v2 are vertices of the edge (maybe (0,1) or (1,0)) -
these are returned as rverts[0] and rverts[1]. The vertices rverts[2]
(call it k1) and rverts[3] (k2) are returned such that if the vertices
are above the edge then looking from vertex 0 to vertex 1 of the edge
k2 is to the left of k1. Mathematically,

   (v2k1 X v2k2) . v2v1 > 0

where v2k1 is the vector from v2 to k1, etc.

void MR_VerticesLocE(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, int enum, PMeshVert *rverts);


Same as MR_VerticesE (above) but the edge is specified by a local edge
number of the region instead of an explicit pointer.

int MR_NumFaces(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r);

Number of faces of element

void MR_Edges(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, int *num, PMeshEdge **edge);

List of edges of a mesh region

void MR_Faces(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, int *num, PMeshFace **faces);

List of faces of a mesh region

int MR_LocEdgeNum(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, PMeshEdge e);

Local edge number of the given edge in the given region

int MR_LocFaceNum(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, PMeshFace f);

Local face number of the given face in the given region.

int MR_EntOnBdry(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, MType mtype, PMeshEntity pent);

Check if mesh entity of type 'mtype' is on the boundary of mesh
region. mtype can be MFACE, MEDGE or MVERTEX. In other words, the
operator checks if mesh region is made up of mesh face, edge or vertex
in question.

PMeshRegn MR_FaceNebr(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, int lfnum);

Return the mesh region adjacent to face number 'lfnum' of region 'r'
The local face numbering starts from 0 in C style.

int MR_GetAttVal(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, char *attname, int *ival,
double *rval, char *cval, void **pval, AttType *atype);

Depending on the type of the attribute, the appropriate field will be
filled on succesful completion. Arrays are returned in pval, integer in
ival and real number in rval (I don't think lagrit supports character

Will only work for solid meshes

int MR_SetAttVal(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshRegn r, char *attname, int ival,
double rval, char cval, void *pval);

This is similar to the GetAttVal routine - depending on the type and
rank, one sends in a value with the right variable

*** PERHAPS these routines need an additional variable, "rank" but for

Will only work for solid meshes