Since LaGriT does not really store mesh faces, the mesh face data
structure (MeshFace, PMeshFace) is created on the fly whenever face
information is requested. Therefore after utilizing the face(s) get
information, it (they) should be destroyed by calling MF_Delete

int MF_Number(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f);

** This will return 0 for now since I haven't yet decided on a good
** way to assign a unique number to the (virtual) faces of the mesh.

void MF_Delete(PMeshFace f);

Free the data structure associated with this face created on the fly.
(There is an operator for creation but I cannot yet imagine needing to
make that a publicly available operator).

MF_Delete will not remove any connections in the mesh. It just
destroys the temporary data structure used to store the face info

int MF_IsParent(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace pf);

If all vertices of the face are parents, the face is a parent.

PMeshFace MF_Parent(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace pf);

The parents of all vertices of the face are obtained and a new
'parent' face is constructed from them.

void MF_Children(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace pf, int *nfc, PMeshFace **fc);


Child vertices of the face are found and appropriate combinations of these vertices are used to construct the new 'child' faces. For a combination to be appropriate, the vertices of the child face has to point to the same material region.

int MFs_areSame(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f1, PMeshFace f2);

Compare the data in two MeshFace data structures and see if they
represent the same connection in the mesh. This operator is needed
since the on-the-fly PMeshFace pointers may not be the same and they
do not directly point to any persistent "object" in the database.

PGeomEntity MF_GMentity(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f);

Return the geometric model entity the face is on. In the absence of
explicit face representation in the database, this may be problematic
in a few cases cases where multiple classifications are possible.

GType MF_GMtype(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f);

Return the type of geometric model entity the face is on. This (I
think) is more deterministically found from the classifications of its
vertices but some problems may still occur. See Comments in ME_GMtype.

PMeshVert MF_Vertices(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, int *nfv, PMeshVertex **fverts);

Return the vertices of the mesh face. The vertices are in no
particular order.  Parent faces return parent vertices and child faces
child vertices. If a vertex is not on an non-manifold boundary
(interface) the vertex itself is returned.

PMeshVert MF_VerticesOrd(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, int *nfv, PMeshVertex **fverts);


Return the vertices of the mesh face. The vertices are ordered such
that the smallest one is the first. Also, the sequence is such that
the face points out of the region connected to it or in case there are
two regions connected to it, such that it points out of the region
with the lower ID Number. The behavior of the operator for parent and
child faces is the same as MF_Vertices

void MF_Edges(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, int *nef, PMeshFace **efaces);

Get the "edges" of an "face". The edges data structures are
constructed on the fly since they do not exist in the LaGriT
database. See note on freeing the PMeshFace structures listed under
MV_Edges and MV_Faces. Parent faces return parent edges and child
faces return child edges.

void MF_Regions(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, PMeshRegn fregions[2]);

Get the regions connected to an face. MESH_BldUpAdj must be called
before this operator can be called usefully. The regions will be
returned such that the face 'f' as defined will point out fregions[0]
(if it exists) and into fregions[1] (if it exists).

A parent face will return both regions connected to it while a child
face will return a region only on its side of the interface. If a
"child" face constructed from interior nodes and child nodes on an
interface, both regions connected to it are returned.


Since MESH_BldUpAdj builds explicit upward adjacency information, this
routine does not require a seed region to be provided.

int MF_EntOnBdry(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, MType mtype, PMeshEntity pent);

Check if mesh entity of type 'mtype' is on the boundary of mesh
face. mtype can only be MEDGE or MVERTEX. In other words, check if
mesh face is made up of mesh edge or vertex in question.

int MF_GetAttVal(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, char *attname, int *ival,
double *rval, char *cval, void **pval, AttType *atype);

Depending on the type of the attribute, the appropriate field will be
filled on succesful completion. Arrays are returned in pval, integer in
ival and real number in rval (I don't think lagrit supports character

Will only work for surface meshes

int MR_SetAttVal(PMeshObj mesh, PMeshFace f, char *attname, int ival,
double rval, char cval, void *pval);

This is similar to the GetAttVal routine - depending on the type and
rank, one sends in a value with the right variable

*** PERHAPS these routines need an additional variable, "rank" but for

Will only work for surface meshes