* test sheetij * binary full with subset and ascii with skip lines *************************************************************** * read binary file * ncols 1501 * nrows 1001 * xllcorner 0.0 * yllcorner 0.0 * cell size 1 * though these are centered at 0.0, 0.0 * actual sheet coordinates are at 1639275 1758775 * actual topo coordinates are at 1639299.5 1758799.5 * * READ BINARY FLOAT cmo create cmo1 read sheetij qbog50_l.float /31,21 / & 0.0, 0.0 / 50.0,50.0 / binary / float *dump gmv binsurf.gmv * READ BINARY FLOAT SUBSET cmo create cmo1a read sheetij qbog50_l.float /31,21 / & 0.0, 0.0 / 50.0,50.0 /10,25,1,10 binary / float *dump gmv binsurf_subset.gmv cmo1a math/sub/cmo1a/zic/1,0,0/cmo1a/zic/500. addmesh merge cmov cmo1 cmo1a *dump gmv view_binsurf_subset.gmv cmov * start compare here cmo printatt cmo1 -xyz- minmax cmo printatt cmo1a -xyz- minmax * end compare here cmo delete cmo1 * READ ASCII cmo create cmo2 read sheetij test.dat /5,4 /0.0,0.0 / 5.0,5.0 / ascii * READ ASCII WITH FAKE HEADER TO SKIP * test skip header cmo create cmo2a read sheetij test_skip.dat /5,4 /0.0,0.0 / 5.0,5.0 / skip 3 / ascii * begin compare here cmo printatt cmo2 zic cmo printatt cmo2a zic * end compare here finish