interpolate / continuous

Example 3: show results from using the continuous option of interpolate.

For each point in the sink grid, the enclosing element is found from the source grid. The attribute value associated with the sink point is assigned the interpolated attribute values from the element nodes. WARNING! continuous interpolation from a hex is not supported. Use hextotet to convert the source grid.
The output consists of GMV files.
The input consists of AVS and GMV files. The input deck for this example is LaGriT_input_continuous

Results from Example 3:

The objective is to test the ability of interpolate to use continuous interpolation from source element vertices on to sink points.
Image on left shows the source tet grid and location of the sink hex element in the lower left corner of the tet grid. Values from the enclosing tet nodes are interpolated on to each hex point based on the point's location in the found source element.
The image on the right is the sink hex element with the interpolated values written to node attribute called xval.
source and sink grids
sink hex element
The objective is use the continuous method to interpolate node values from a triangle grid to a high resolution quad grid.
Image on the left shows the source triangles colored by the node attribute numreal.
Image on the right shows the sink quad grid with the interpolated values at the quad nodes. As seen by this image, the sink grid does not extend as high as the source grid, and has nodes outside the source grid. These nodes are flagged with the dark red values.
Source triangle grid
Final sink quad grid

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