dump/fehm/file_name/[cmo_name]/ [binary |ascii | binaryc| asciic ]  // [scalar,vector,both,area_scalar,area_vector,area_both,alternate_scalar] /  [delatt,keepatt]

The dump / fehm command will call the dump/coord and dump/zone options first. The main function of the dump / fehm command is to form a sparse coefficient matrix used for solving PDE on a triangular or tetrahedral delaunay grid.

Options for the 5th argument are:
binary(default) Output sparse matrix in Fortran unformatted format 
ascii  Output sparse matrix as ASCII format 
binaryc  Output sparse matrix as Fortran unformatted format with a compression 

algorithm applied to the area coefficients. 
asciic  Output sparse matrix as ASCII format with a compression 

algorithm applied to the area coefficients. 
The 6th argument is empty.

Options for the 7th argument are:
scalar(default)  Area/distance                   coefficients are output as scalars 
vector Area/distance                   coefficients are output as vectors 
both Area/distance                   coefficients are output as scalars and vectors 
area_scalar  Area                                 coefficients are output as scalars
area_vector Area                                 coefficients are output as vectors 
area_both  Area                                 coefficients are output as scalars and vectors 
alternate_scalar Area/distance                   coefficients are output as scalars with compression of coefficients 

                                   & applied during calculation of coefficients. 

Options for the 8th aregument are:
delatt(default) No new node attributes are created.
ascii  Output sparse matrix as ASCII format 
keepatt Six node attributes are created (top, bottom, left_w, right_e,back_n, front_s) which 

are assigned values according to the direction of the octant of their normal vector. 


dump / fehm / file_name / cmo
dump / stor / file_name_as / cmo / asciic / / alternate_scalar
dump / fehm / file_name / cmo / binaryc / / alternate_scalar/ keepatt
dump / stor / file_name_as / cmo / ascii / vector
dump / stor / file_name_as / cmo / ascii / both
dump / stor / file_name_as / cmo / ascii / area_scalar