Interpolates between mesh object attributes or assigns values to a mesh object attribute.
Options constant and gaussian assign values to a mesh object attribute.  Options table, integer1, and integer2 interpolate from a reference mesh object.
The constant option assigns a constant value to all specified nodes.
The gaussian option creates a very special gaussian distribution around a line or point.  The bounding box (x1,y1,z1) to (x2,y2,z2) specifies where the peak concentration will be, Note: y2 is ignored; if z1=z2 then the distribution will be around a point.  All coordinates are assumed to be given as Cartesian, xyz is required.  The value assigned to the attribute is determined by the Gaussian distribution:
value = concentration * exp(-(L/std_dev)**2)
where L is the effective distance and can be represented as:
L = sqrt( dy**2 + (1/lateral_diffusion)*(dx**2 + dz**2) )
and where
dy = y-y1 (y2 ignored)
dx = x-x1 if x < x1 < x2
= 0 if x1 < x < x2
= x-x2 if x1 < x2 < x
dz similar to dx.
The table option interpolates an attribute from a reference mesh object and reference attribute onto the current mesh object using linear, log or asinh interpolation (the default is linear).  In the case of 2D tabular interpolation, additional arguments specify the planar correspondence for the interpolation: geom_out and geom_ref refer to the output and reference orientation of a 2D axial distribution and may take the values, xy, yz, xz.

In all cases, field_out specifies the name of the attribute, ifirst, ilast, istride specify a point set restriction, and set add or subtract indicate if the calculated or input-value is added to, subtracted from or used to set the existing node attribute value.

If the values to be doped (interpolated) are integers (options integer1 and integer2), doping works in two ways.  For integer doping, only the set option is implemented.
If the second field is integer1, the new nodal attributes are based on element material types. Set field_out and attr_ref to imt1 in this case. The integer1 option is implemented only for setting node material (imt1). The imt1 values of the active mesh object nodes will be set by determining which element in the reference mesh object the node falls in. This element's material (itetclr) value is then assigned to the node imt1.

The integer2 option sets node based attributes in the active mesh object by determining which voronoi cell in the reference mesh object the node falls in. Then the value for the node corresponding to this voronoi cell is copied to the active node.
If the second field is integer2, the new nodal attributes are based on the table attribute types using the Voronoi cells around the table nodes.
For integer doping, function can be min or max to choose what happens if a cmo_out node falls on a boundary between two elements or Voronoi cells. For 3d, Voronoi cell based doping, function can also be minp or maxp which makes any cmo_out nodes that fall outside the cmo_table geometry set to the maximum number of materials plus one. Mapset can be set to create, use, or left blank. If create is used then an idop attribute is formed that maps the cmo_table nodes to the cmo_out nodes. If use is used, doping will read and use this previously formed and saved mapping. Note that doping of integers should be done without child/parent relationships. If parents exist, the doping results are unpredictable at interface boundaries because the value of parent nodes are unpredictable there.


doping/constant/field_out/set|add|sub/ ifirst,ilast,istride/value
doping/gaussian/field_out/set|add|sub/ ifirst,ilast,istride/
xyz/x1,y1,z1/x2,y2,z2/lateral_diffusion/ concentration/standard_deviation/
doping/table/field_out/set|add|sub/cmo_ref/attr_ref/[linear|log|asinh]/ [geom_out/geom_ref]
doping/integer1/imt1/set/ifirst,ilast,istride/cmo_ref /imt1/min|max
For the current mesh object, the value of the attribute density will be set to 9.73
for all nodes in the point set mypset.
For the current mesh object, for nodes in mypset, the value of the
attribute density will be augmented by
the value of the distribution as defined above.
For the current mesh object, the value of the attribute my_field will be set by
interpolating from the reference mesh object and attribute.
doping/table/Saturation /set/1,0,0/cmo_course/saturation_course/linear/zx/yx/
In this case the yx plane from the reference cmo is interpolated onto the zx plane of the
current mesh object
See which element of cmo_old each node of the current mesh object falls in, and set the imt1 attribute value to the itetclr of the element in cmo_old.  If the node falls in more than one element use the smallest itetclr.
Create the voronoi cells around the nodes in cmo_old.  See which voronoi cell the nodes in the current mesh object fall in and set the value of the attribute rad2 from the value of the attribute rad1 in the reference mesh object.  If there is a conflict use the smallest value.  Create a new attribute called idop as explained above.